Cash in on Your Retirement with a Cash Balance Plan

Most retirement plans fall into one of two general categories: defined benefit plans or defined contribution plans. Both provide retirement benefits, but they differ in the way benefits are calculated […]

Choosing a Beneficial 529 Plan

In Basics of a 529 College Savings Plan, we discussed the basics and qualified expenses of 529 plans. Once you’ve decided that you want to invest in a 529, it’s […]

Basics of a 529 College Savings Plan

Contributing to a 529 college savings plan is a great way to save for your child’s future.  The 529 plan is a type of investment account, typically state sponsored, that […]

The Value Premium- Where Is It?

Claris subscribes to a philosophy called evidence-based investing. In short, we manage our clients’ portfolios according to the findings of rigorous academic studies and peer-reviewed publications. We ignore the Wall […]