Conversations with Claris: Rethinking Cryptocurrency
Should you be investing in bitcoin? Is blockchain here to stay? Hear from Scott Iverson and Stan Royer as they discuss the pros and cons of cryptocurrency as a new […]
Conversations with Claris: What is the Role of a Wealth Advisor?
Hear from Chris Bettonville and Stan Royer of Claris Advisors on how wealth advisors can help you turn financial goals and objectives into reality in this segment of Conversations with […]
Conversations with Claris: What is the Value of a Wealth Advisor?
The access to information on a local, national, and global scale has never been greater in our history. The internet and 24-hour news cycle have brought a whole new level […]
Control What You Can Control: How Equity Markets Reward Those Who Stay Disciplined
Long before I joined Claris, Stan Royer, co-founder and President, routinely reminded clients to control what they can control. As you may imagine, I am consistently asked by non-clients (who […]
Conversations with Claris: Defining Wealth Management
Tune in to this segment of Conversations with Claris to hear from Scott Iverson and Stan Royer of Claris Advisors on what true wealth management is and what it isn’t. […]