Our Philosophy

An investment philosophy rooted in academia

There are two schools of thought an investor can adopt when it comes to managing their investment portfolio – active or passive management.

Investors who follow an active strategy believe they can take advantage of inefficiencies in the market through stock selection or market timing.

Passive investors understand the market is efficient and focus their energy on items that have a direct impact on investment performance such as portfolio risk, costs, and taxes.

Countless academic papers support the benefits of passive investing. To our knowledge, there isn’t a single peer-reviewed academic paper that demonstrates active management brings consistent, long-term value to investors.

At Claris, we are strong advocates of this academic approach. An evidence-based model that brings logic, transparency, and simplicity back to our client’s financial lives.

Avoid the mistakes made by most investors

Our clients view the financial markets as an ally, and understand their own behavior is the most important factor to a positive investment experience.

We do not attempt to beat the stock market by trying to predict the future. Instead, our clients are able to capture the long-term rewards of markets by diversifying unwanted risk away from their investment portfolio.

By controlling portfolio risk, we are able to help remove emotion from the investment process. Studies on investment behavior show that when the market declines in value, most investors get fearful and sell. When the market increases in value, most investors get greedy and buy, which is not a recipe for investment success.

We believe in you. We help you ignore pointless distractions and focus on what really matters – your unique goals and concerns, assessing your risk tolerance, creating a customized investment or wealth management plan, and adhering to that plan.

Portfolios built on wisdom, not speculation

Science has guided the way for advances in many areas of society. Fortunately, for investors, this same scientific approach exists in the world of finance. The evolution of passive investment management began in 1952 when Harry Markowitz penned a paper named Portfolio Selection. Since then, numerous academic papers and studies have been published in support of this evidence-based methodology.

We invest in knowledge. Decades of thorough, in-depth, and tested academic research have provided the fundamental principles of prudent investing. We feel you can benefit from this same wisdom.

Markets are Efficient

New information is incorporated into stock prices so fast, that it’s extremely difficult to profit in reaction to unfolding news, especially after considering the costs involved.

Risk and Expected Return are Related

Riskier asset classes provide higher expected returns as compensation for accepting greater levels of risk.

Diversification Works

Spreading your risk among multiple, distinct asset classes helps you capture your desired level of expected return while minimizing the risks involved.

Rebalancing is Essential

Regular portfolio maintenance through rebalancing seeks to ensure that you buy low and sell high.

Time – your most precious asset

When it comes to money, most individuals spend their time regretting past decisions and worrying about the future. It is our goal to help remove the financial stress from your life, so you can spend your valuable time on things that matter most to you.

We help you relax. Our clients are afforded this opportunity by us providing:

Fiduciary Care

We are legally bound and willingly adhere to serving only your best interest.


We will openly communicate and disclose all important information to you.

Prudent Investment Solutions

We will ensure you understand your investment strategy that is rooted in decades of academic research, which ignores emotion and the noise of Wall Street. Only then will we implement and adhere to your strategy as if it were our own.

Objective Advice

We do not receive commissions of any kind for our investment management services that might hinder our ability to provide you with sound advice.

“I favor passive investing for most investors, because the markets are amazingly successful devices for incorporating information into stock prices”